Afterschool Programs
Serving All Northern New Jersey Afterschool Programs
When school is out...
High Touch High Tech science programs are in!
Change your Afterschool Program into a Sizzlin' Science Laboratory and turn your students ON to science!
All programs are totally FUN, totally hands-on and totally participatory for each student. All programs are geared for the Kindergarten through Fifth grade child.
Our programs last for 30-minutes and can accommodate as many 30-minute programs as necessary to meet the needs of your school. Many programs provide take home materials and each child will receive a science certificate.
The cost of this science experience is $_____/child, with a $_____ program minimum. All materials are included in this supply intensive, educational and FUN program.
Stimulate children's imagination & curiosity for science!
Afterschool Programs
Cool Coastal Science ©
What makes the seashore sandy? In this program we'll make waves, explore sand, investigate beach creatures, & make your own shell imprints!
Cool Molecule ©
Have FUN as we learn about molecules. Find out why molecules are so cool! Discover density while making your own density bag!
Crazy About Chemistry ©
Let's become chemists as we make some cool chemical reactions! Have fun as we make glow-in-the-dark Space Mud and more!
Investigate how fun and interesting science can be through hands-on learning!
Pricing and FAQ's
Traditional Afterschool
$5.50 per student / $250.00 program minimum.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: Can I pay for a High Touch High Tech Afterschool Programs with grant dollars?
A: Yes. Many High Touch High Tech programs have been paid for with grant dollars received via the 21st Century Grant, Eisenhower Grant and several Local & State Grants.
Q: How should I set up my facility in preparation for the Scientist?
A: Our Scientists can conduct hands-on science programs where ever children are gathered and excited to learn! Participants will simply need a level surface on which to work (i.e. table top, floor space, etc.). Note that some programs may require access to water; therefore, access to a sink and tap would also be helpful.
Participate in FUN science experiments with easy to use scientific tools!