Camp Programs
Serving All Northern New Jersey
Summer Camps
ATTENTION: Summer Camp Directors
Looking to fill your summer camp calendar with some FUN, then book one of our High Touch High Tech Sizzlin' Science Summer Camp programs. All programs are totally hands-on and totally participatory by each camper.
All Sizzlin' Science Summer Camp programs are geared for the pre-school through sixth grade camper. Each program will last 90 minutes and can accommodate 3 groups of campers in 30 minute periods. Many programs provide take home materials and each child will receive a science certificate.
Contact our office at 201.847.0199 to discuss your programming needs and pricing for these FUN Science & Nature experiences! All materials are included in this supply intensive, educational and FUN experience. You may book all 9 weeks or your choice of weeks.
Click on the link below to view our Summer Camp Line-up!
Encourage science discovery in children around the world!
Summer Camp Program Samples
Lab 101©
Use chemicals to create slippery slime. Discover the almost magical world of acids and basis as we use our special science indicator to instantly change the color of chemicals.
Nutty Newton©
Channel Sir Isaac Newton and learn all about his laws of motion. Explore forces as you pull a tablecloth, capture air, and pass bubbles!
Discover the world of rocks. Pan for gems, become a real geologist as you classify your treasures. Take home an assortment of real beauties, maybe even gold!!
Totally Tasty Science©
Science like you've never seen or tasted! Make your own science butter, lemonade, and more!
Investigate how fun and interesting science can be through hands-on learning!
Keep your campers brains buzzing all summer long with FUN hands-on science experiences brought right to your camp.
Call today or simply complete your reservation request form on-line to schedule your Sizzlin' Science Summer Camp program with High Touch High Tech.
We look forward to visiting your camp this summer!
Involve students by becoming REAL scientists performing REAL experiments!